Sunday, June 27, 2010

The above image shows the house which would be used in our scenario:

Assisted Living Assignment -Part 2

The following Section contains information regarding the implementation section of the assisted living assignment.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Assisted Living Assignment

The following Section contains information regarding to the assisted living assignment.


Middle aged person having poor eyesight problems (very short sighted) and suffering for slight
case of Dimensia which causes the person to forget most common things. What will be attempted in
this section is to provide ways and means to assists the person in his home.

Friday, May 14, 2010

To Do for Today

Luigi and Nick - will work on refining and finalizing the code
Mark and Chris - will work on the design finishing it, testing camera and connect any electronics.

Monday, May 10, 2010


This is how the lighting circuit will be working for efficiency. when the drawer is opened, the light used inside the box for camera sharpness purposes will be turned off whilst the light used for the users to see the fiducials on the drawer will we switched on. the opposite will happen when the drawer is closed.

Proposed Design

Please state if you want to make any changes to the design.
Proposed design:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Future Works

Enter any ideas which could be implemented into the system in the future to enhance the usability of the game.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

General Tests

By Luigi and Mark.
In order to determin the size ofthe fiducials which we will be using, the followning test was performed:

- The camera was placed at different heights over the playing surface

- Checked that each symbol was recognised correctly from the different heights

- Two different sizes of fiducial symbols were tested:

* A: 2.9cm x 2.9cm

* B: 6.5cm x 6.5cm


Photos taken during meetings and tests:

High Level Flowchart

Proposed Flowchart:

Proposed Designs

Publish any designs proposed for our project.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Ideas For This Assignment

Post any ideas you have in mind which can be used to improve our project. Thanks.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

assignment aims:

In this assignment we shall try to acheive the following:

- use reactivision to create a game in which we will use computer peripherals and their description for educational purposes.
- showing a deivice and its correct description will give the user a point as well as show a popup video of that device and its functionality.
- each device will have a reactivision picture assosiated to it in order to recognize the deive and descrition to be correct.
- we shall attempt to create a grid for points which will increment their points each time they give the correct answers.
- when the user gets an incorrect answer, a notification will be displayed to that user in order to try again.