Monday, May 10, 2010

Proposed Design

Please state if you want to make any changes to the design.
Proposed design:


  1. this design needs to be enhanced by adding side pocket in which the fiducials will be kept.

  2. the box will be made up of 4 horizontal shelves, the top shelf will be were the laptop/monitor will be stored, the following will be were the camera is mounted, the third will be were the fiducials are put and the last one will be a drawer to store all of the components.

  3. We will also need to place an artificial light source inside the playing box

  4. One of the main reasons why we chose to put the camera on top rather from underneath is that in our future work we were thinking of adjusting the code which would allow the user to build an entire PC. This requires the camera to be mounted on top since the hardware device are not see through and the therefore the fiducials symbols would not be visible from underneath. Having the camera mounted on top will always have the fiducials in sight.

  5. One has to keep in mind that since we are dealing with hardware devices and when placed on a glass surface, scratches might occur obscuring the camera's view.
